题 目:Nonconvexweighted variational metal artifacts removal via convergentprimal-dual algorithms
内容简介:Directreconstruction through filtered back projection engenders metalartifacts in polychromatic computed tomography images, attributed tohighly attenuating implants, which further poses great challenges forsubsequent image analysis. Inpainting the metal trace directly in theRadon domain for the extant variational method leads to strong edgediffusion and potential inherent artifacts. With normalization basedon pre-segmentation, the inpainted outcome can be notablyameliorated. However, its reconstructive fidelity is heavilycontingent on the precision of the pre-segmentation, and highlyaccurate segmentation of images with metal artifacts is non-trivialin actuality. In this paper, we propose a nonconvex weightedvariational approach for metal artifact reduction. Specifically, inlieu of employing a binary function with zeros in the metal trace, anadaptive weight function is designed in the Radon domain, with zerosin the overlapping regions of multiple disjoint metals as well asareas of highly attenuated projections, and the inverse square rootof the measured projection in other regions. A nonconvexregularization term is incorporated to further enhance edge contrast,alongside a box-constraint in the image domain. Efficient first-orderprimal-dual algorithms, proven to be globally convergent and of lowcomputational cost owing to the closed-form solution of allsubproblems, are devised to resolve such a constrained nonconvexmodel. Simulation experiments are conducted with comparisons to othervariational algorithms, validating the superiority of the presentedmethod. Especially in comparison to the reweighted JSR, our proposedalgorithm can curtail the total computational cost to at mostone-third, and for the case of inaccurate pre-segmentation, therecovery outcomes by the proposed algorithms are notably enhanced.
时 间:2023年11月15日(周三)晚上20:30开始
地 点:腾讯会议:870-549-992