







2004.9-2008.1上海交通大学计算机系博士研究生 (导师:陈克非教授)

2001.9-2004.7华南理工大学计算机系硕士研究生 (导师:李仲麟教授)






1.Xin Chen, Jian Weng, Wei Lu, Jiaming Xu. Multi-Gait RecognitionBased on Attribute Discovery. IEEE Transactions on PatternAnalysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 40(7): 1697-1710,2018

2.Jia-Si Weng, Jian Weng, Yue Zhang, Weiqi Luo. BENBI: Scalable andDynamic Access Control on the Northbound Interface of SDN-basedVANET. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018

3.Ximeng Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Robert H. Deng, Rongxing Lu,Jian Weng. Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculationof Rational Numbers. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and SecureComputing, 15(1): 27-39, 2018

4.Xin Chen, Jian Weng, Wei Lu, Jiaming Xu, Jia-Si Weng. DeepManifold Learning Combined With Convolutional Neural Networks forAction Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks andLearning Systems, 29(9): 3938-3952, 2018

5.Xingliang Yuan, Jian Weng, Cong Wang, Kui Ren. Secure IntegratedCircuit Design via Hybrid Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Parallel andDistributed Systems, 29(8): 1851-1864, 2018

6.Yongdong Wu, Zhuo Wei, Jian Weng, Xin Li, Robert H. Deng.Resonance Attacks on Load Frequency Control of Smart Grids. IEEETransactions on Smart Grid 9(5): 4490-4502, 2018

7.Zhangjie Fu, Fengxiao Huang, Kui Ren, Jian Weng, Cong Wang.Privacy-Preserving Smart Semantic Search Based on ConceptualGraphs Over Encrypted Outsourced Data. IEEE Transactions onInformation Forensics and Security, 12(8): 1874-1884, 2017

8.Zijian Zhang, Zhan Qin, Liehuang Zhu, Jian Weng, Kui Ren.Cost-Friendly Differential Privacy for Smart Meters: Exploitingthe Dual Roles of the Noise. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8(2):619-626, 2017

9.Yinbin Miao, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Jian Weng, Hongwei Li, HuiLi. Lightweight fine-grained search over encrypted data in fogcomputing, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2018

10.Yongdong Wu, Binbin Chen, Jian Weng, Zhuo Wei, Xin Li, Bo Qiu,Niekie Liu. False Load Attack to Smart Meters by SynchronouslySwitching Power Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018

11.Yang Yang, Ximeng Liu, Robert H Deng, Jian Weng. Flexible wildcardsearchable encryption system, IEEE Transactions on ServicesComputing, 2017

12.Minxin Du, Qian Wang, Meiqi He, Jian Weng. Privacy-PreservingIndexing and Query Processing for Secure Dynamic Cloud Storage,IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (9),2320-2332, 2018

13.Zhijun Zhang, Lunan Zheng, Jian Weng, Yijun Mao, Wei Lu, Lin Xiao.A New Varying-Parameter Recurrent Neural-Network for OnlineSolution of Time-Varying Sylvester Equation. IEEE Transactions onCybernetics, pp. 1-14, 2018

14.Yongdong Wu, Zhuo Wei, Jian Weng, Robert H Deng. PositionManipulation Attacks to Balise-Based Train Automatic Stop Control.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (6), 5287-5301

15.Zhe Liu, Jian Weng, Xinyi Huang, Zhi Hu, Lu Zhou. EfficientElliptic Curve Cryptography for Embedded Devices. ACM Transactionson Embedded Computing Systems, 2016

16.Leo Yu Zhang, Yifeng Zheng, Jian Weng, Cong Wang, Zihao Shan, KuiRen. You Can Access But You Cannot Leak: Defending against IllegalContent Redistribution in Encrypted Cloud Media Center. IEEETransactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2018

17.Yongdong Wu, Jian Weng, Zhe Tang, Xin Li, Robert Deng.Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Countermeasures in Balise-based TrainControl Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent TransportationSystems, 18 (4), 814-823, 2017

18.Kai He, Jun Guo, Jian Weng, Jiasi Weng, Joseph K Liu, Xun Yi.Attribute-Based Hybrid Boolean Keyword Search over OutsourcedEncrypted Data. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and SecureComputing, 2018

19.Anjia Yang, Jia Xu, Jian Weng, Jianying Zhou, Duncan S Wong.Lightweight and Privacy-Preserving Delegatable Proofs of Storagewith Data Dynamics in Cloud Storage. IEEE Transactions on CloudComputing, 2018


1.Yu Yu, Dawu Gu, Xiangxue Li, Jian Weng. (Almost) OptimalConstructions of UOWHFs from 1-to-1, Regular One-way Functions andBeyond. Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2015 - 35th AnnualCryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 16-20, 2015,LNCS 9216, pp. 77-92, Springer-Verlag, 2015

2.Junzuo Lai, Robert H. Deng, Shengli Liu, Jian Weng, Yunlei Zhao.Identity-Based Encryption Secure Against Selective OpeningChosen-Ciphertext Attack. In Proc. of 33rd Annual InternationalConference on the Theory and Applications of CryptographicTechniques (Eurocrypt 2014), LNCS 8441, pp. 77–92, 2014

3.Lingguang Lei,Yi He,Kun Sun,Jiwu Jing,Yuewu Wang,Qi Li,Jian Weng.Vulnerable Implicit Service: A Revisit.ACM CCS2017:1051-1063

4.Yu Yu, Dawu Gu, Xiangxue Li, Jian Weng. The Randomized IterateRevisited - Almost Linear Seed Length PRGs from A Broader Class ofOne-way Functions. In Proc. of Twelfth IACR Theory of CryptographyConference (TCC 2015), LNCS 9014, pp. 7-35, Springer-Verlag, 2015.

5.Yu Yu and Xiangxue Li and Jian Weng. Pseudorandom Generators fromRegular One-way Functions: New Constructions with ImprovedParameters. 19th Annual International Conference on Theory andApplication of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT2013), K. Sako and P. Sarkar (Eds.), LNCS 8270, pp. 261–279,Spring-Verlag, 2013

6.Junzuo Lai, Robert H. Deng, Changshe Ma, Kouichi Sakurai, JianWeng. CCA-Secure Keyed-Fully Homomorphic Encryption. In: 19th IACRinternational conference on Practice and Theory of Public KeyCryptography (PKC 2016), pp. 70-98, 2016.

7.Jian Weng, Yunlei Zhao, Goichiro Hanaoka. On the Security of aBidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme from PKC 2010. In: 14thIACR international conference on Practice and Theory of Public KeyCryptography (PKC 2011), LNCS 6571, pp. 284-295, Springer-Verlag,March 6-9, 2011, Taomina, Italy

8.Jie Chen, Junqing Gong, Jian Weng.Tightly Secure IBE UnderConstant-Size Master Public Key. In: 19th IACR internationalconference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography (PKC2017)pp.207-231.

9.Yanjiang, Jianying Zhou, Jian Weng and Feng Bao. A New Approachfor Anonymous Password Authentication. 25th Annual ComputerSecurity Application Conference (ACSAC’09), pp. 199-208,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2009

10.Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Jian Weng, Jianfeng Ma, Wenjing Lou:Verifiable Computation over Large Database with IncrementalUpdates. In 19th European Symposium on Research in ComputrSecurity (ESORICS 2014), 2014: 148-162, 2014

11.Junzuo Lai, Robert H. Deng, HweeHwa Pang, Jian Weng. VerifiableComputation on Outsourced Encrypted Data. In 19th EuropeanSymposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2014), 2014:273-291, 2014

12.Jie Shi, Junzuo Lai, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. Deng, Jian Weng.Authorized Keyword Search on Encrypted Data. In 19th EuropeanSymposium on Research in Computr Security (ESORICS 2014), 2014:419-435, 2014

13.Junzuo Lai, Robert Deng, Yingjiu Li and Jian Weng. Fully SecureKey-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-SizeCiphertexts and Fast Decryption. In Proc. of ACM ASIACCS 2014, ACMPress, pp. 239-248, 2014

14.Jian Weng, Robert H. Deng, Chengkang Chu, Xuhua Ding, Junzuo Lai.Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption Secure against Chosen-CiphertextAttack. Rei Safavi-Naini and Vijay Varadharajan (Ed.): ACMSymposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security(ACM ASIACCS 2009), pp. 322-332, Sydney, Australia, ACM Press,March 2009

15.Yanjiang Yang, Haibing Lu, Joseph Liu, Jian Weng, Youcheng Zhangand Jianying Zhou. Credential Wrapping: From Anonymous PasswordAuthentication to Anonymous Biometric Authentication. ACM ASIACCS2016, pp. 141-151.

16.Heyi Tang, Yong Cui, Chaowen Guan, Jianping Wu, Jian Weng and KuiRen. Enabling Ciphertext Deduplication for Secure Cloud Storageand Access Control. ACM ASIACCS 2016, pp. 59-70

17.Kai He, Jian Weng, Jia'Nan Liu, Joseph Liu, Robert Deng and WeiLiu. Anonymous Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption withChosen-Ciphertext Security. ACM ASIACCS 2016, 247-255

18.Wenjie Yang, Jian Weng, Futai Zhang. New Certificateless PublicKey Encryption Secure Against Malicious KGC Attacks in theStandard Model. ICICS 2017: 236-247

19.Yanjiang Yang, Haibing Lu, Jian Weng, Youcheng Zhang, KouichiSakurai: Fine-Grained Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption andApplication. ProvSec 2014: 206-222(Best Paper Award)








